Racial Justice &
Abolition Democracy

A prototype curriculum designed by and for those
committed to exploring an end to mass incarceration.
A crowd, many holding signs, standing behind a banner reading "1 in 10 Black men born in PA between [years not shown] has been in solitary confinement."

Our mission

What is RJAD?

The Racial Justice and Abolition Democracy Project is a prototype curriculum for a multi-disciplinary program.  The goal of this curriculum is to increase learning about the history of racial injustices and encourage students and participants to re-imagine a more fair and just society without jails and prisons. This curriculum is intended for direct action to engage people in a meaningful manner to be participants in their community.

The curriculum

RJAD Core Courses and Electives

These modules explore how the humanities and arts can be integrated with the social sciences, public policy, and law to create a more socially just future and contribute to the public’s understanding of the centrality of the liberal arts in the pursuit of justice.
The core courses emphasize empirical facts of history and demonstrate how systems were intended to establish dominance over Black, Indigenous, and other people of color.
The knowledge in the RJAD electives will equip students to envision a future in which systems are designed to achieve justice rather than exact retribution or subjugation of specific populations.
A male teacher stands in front of his classroom of teenage children, many of color.


Contributing to the Curriculum

Course materials were developed for use by colleges and universities, higher education programs within carceral settings, and community-based organizations.  Please reach out to us if you would like your course to be considered for addition to the elective modules. All subjects and fields are welcome!